Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Prayer Letter and Our Visit to FMC Morton

Hello again!

Well, our prayer letter is finally written and out for design. WGM's graphic designers are working on helping us with spruce up the letter and create a header for it. The title we chose for the prayer letter is The Birkey Bulletin. Thank you to everyone who sent in their creative ideas for the title! As soon as we get the final design on the letters, we will be sure to get them in the mail.

Also, we were able to go back to Morton, Illinois and visit on the 4th and 5th of August. We had a wonderful time catching up with everyone! Dan and Doris King were kind enough to set up a pizza dinner with the youth Saturday night and we were blessed to be able to spend time talking and laughing with a majority of the youth group  and some of their parents that evening. We also had the opportunity to give the message Sunday morning. Some things we talked about were Native American history, the importance of children and youth ministry, how to get involved in our ministry in Arizona, and how to find your own mission field in your community. After the service, we presented a slide show and visited with the congregation. It was really exciting to share where God has been leading us and hear what He has been doing at FMC!

Some praises and prayer requests from the past couple weeks:

Praise! We were nervous about Jon's work schedule at the seeding company. It was looking like he would not be able to be available on the weekends due to having to work long weeks and long hours during harvest. However, we recently found out that he has been switched to a different department with better hours. This should free us up to travel on the weekends for speaking engagements.

Prayer Request: Please continue to be in prayer for Lindsay as she is still searching for temporary employment. Also, please pray that God will lead us to places where we will be able to speak and share about our ministry in Arizona. If you know of any places that may be interested in hosting us or letting us share, please let us know.

Some things we hope to be doing in the next few weeks:

1. Preparing our mailing list and sending out our prayer letters
2. Scheduling new speaking engagements to share about our ministry

Thanks for reading and be sure to come back soon for more updates!!


-Jon and Lindsay

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